Friday, February 1, 2008

A few changes

With the New Year comes a few changes. Unfortunately, Lindsey has decided to quit taking pictures for other people. While, she still has a passion for photography, she would rather focus her talent on her family and friends and be able to spend more time with them, and finishing nursing school. I will really miss working with her. She is an incredibly talented woman with an eye for beautiful pictures.

On a bit happier note, this has given me the opportunity to go in with my cousin, Melanie Stout, another fellow photographer. Melanie lives in Fort Smith, Arkansas, so we will have a dual-city business. We both have different styles and we think the variety will work well together! We will post with a little about ourselves later!

Hope we get to meet you soon!
Courtney & Melanie

Friday, November 16, 2007

Baby Kate

We had the pleasure of taking first family pictures of a beautiful 10 day old baby girl. Here are some of our favs!